Swiss Cheese Days

I've been missing things here and there. Didn't write a blog entry yesterday and maybe a couple other days. Have been forgetting things more and finding myself confused and a bit depressed at times. Assume this is all part of the post-op sequelae I used to hear about.
Woke up at a minute or two after midnight last night caught in a circular web of thought about some sign or symbol that I was holding up and then realizing what it meant. That's not exactly what it was like but I shift from side to side, half asleep, to see if that would clear up what the recurring thoughts were about but it didn't, it only changed the pattern slightly. So I woke myself up and sat up on the side of the bed. The thoughts were so persistent I thought I better check my blood sugar to see if I was having a low. It was 135. I still couldn't get the thoughts out of my mind, I would keep re-entering the sequence over and over again in slightly different places.
I decided to write down what I was thinking, hoping that, that would clear it from my mind. I realized that I hadn't brought my journal book to bed with me last night because I had downloaded a blood sugar app onto my phone. So I wrote my thoughts down on a little piece of paper. It made me realize that I needed to keep my journal book next to my bedside for moments like that. It may be that they will become more common in my new and aged position. I must say that writing like that in the middle of the night was actually very pleasant and my handwriting was even and very legible.
I have to go my doctor in a few minutes for a my regular appointment. I may ask for some antidepressants.
More later,
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