Der Freitag Abend Fluch Ends!

Saturday morning arrives and I can say now that Friday night was not that bad. It's been weeks since I had a good Friday night. Therefore, I'm officially calling the curse as defunct and ended. Henceforth, Friday nights will, at worst, be just another night and possibly a good night to look forward to.
I'm trying a cup or two of coffee this morning. I want to see if I can tolerate it. I think I'll just have a single cup, though. I don't want to invite trouble. I also had a breakfast of 2 eggs on crossaint, with ham and avocado. I might hear something back from that as well.
Macy's is coming to deliver a new reclining chair today. We bought it and a sofa in early January and the sofa was deliver in a couple weeks. After the chair comes, that will end the order. It was a lot of fun going furniture shopping with Sue to Macy's. We went there on a Wednesday that she had off and spent a couple hours sitting on sofas and chairs and then making up our minds. It was a good time.
Speaking of that, I hope Sue's having a good time on her adventure. She's with her sisters so I'm pretty sure that she's having fun. I hope she takes a lot of pictures so she can look back on it later.
Ashton went for her first solo drive yesterday afternoon. I can remember the sense of newfound freedom that came with getting in the car and driving off by myself. I only hope that she's careful and everything goes well for her. I worry all the time, but that's my job as the Dad.
Enough. More later,
(Photo by Jay Mantri)
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