Don't feel so great.
So yesterday, Thanksgiving. I get up in the morning and I don't feel tip top. Just kind of vague stomach discomfort. I have granola and smoothie for breakfast and start into my routine. I get all the way through meditating and then skip the writing and go sit in the front room for awhile in hopes of shaking the ill feeling.
We have to eat early because Ben has work at 4 pm so we start right away into making the dinner. Anyway, I eat dinner and feel worse and figure that take a little time for the food to pass through and then I'll feel better. I wait, and I don't feel better. I try to go to the bathroom but only pas some gas.
This is the pattern for the rest of the day pretty much. It starts feeling just like the cholecystits I had at the beginning of the year. The bloating and nausea. Then I start getting pain between my shoulder blades, so I figure it's referred pain from my diaphragm. I sit upright in my chair for a long time and nothing changes. The pain is not as bad as the gallbladder related stuff back in January.
So I give up and go to bed. First I take 2 dulcolax and a hydrocodone and tylenol. I sleep fitfully, waking often. I get up this morning and take 12 units regular insulin and get through my shower. No BM.

This morning, I have a sliced apple and water for breakfast, so far. I'm sort of nauseated and logy from the pain pill last night. From now on I'll take aspirin or tylenol with water.
I just listened for bowel sounds and there were none. I'm trying to rock in the chair while I type. But that makes me feel sicker and I don't really want to throw up my morning pills.
I wanted to write this down so I'd be able to review it later.
Oh yeah, the dishwasher breaks yesterday. Perfect timing. While it is Black Friday, I'm not going shopping and nobody's installing or fixing things until Monday and there's likely to be a backlog after today.
More later,
We have to eat early because Ben has work at 4 pm so we start right away into making the dinner. Anyway, I eat dinner and feel worse and figure that take a little time for the food to pass through and then I'll feel better. I wait, and I don't feel better. I try to go to the bathroom but only pas some gas.
This is the pattern for the rest of the day pretty much. It starts feeling just like the cholecystits I had at the beginning of the year. The bloating and nausea. Then I start getting pain between my shoulder blades, so I figure it's referred pain from my diaphragm. I sit upright in my chair for a long time and nothing changes. The pain is not as bad as the gallbladder related stuff back in January.
So I give up and go to bed. First I take 2 dulcolax and a hydrocodone and tylenol. I sleep fitfully, waking often. I get up this morning and take 12 units regular insulin and get through my shower. No BM.

This morning, I have a sliced apple and water for breakfast, so far. I'm sort of nauseated and logy from the pain pill last night. From now on I'll take aspirin or tylenol with water.
I just listened for bowel sounds and there were none. I'm trying to rock in the chair while I type. But that makes me feel sicker and I don't really want to throw up my morning pills.
I wanted to write this down so I'd be able to review it later.
Oh yeah, the dishwasher breaks yesterday. Perfect timing. While it is Black Friday, I'm not going shopping and nobody's installing or fixing things until Monday and there's likely to be a backlog after today.
More later,
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