Getting back to normal.
I have a good for not writing on my blog yesterday. A series of unfortunate physiological events led me to, how shall I say this? Led me to suffering a benign bowel obstruction, better known by other, less gentile terms. It started at the least the day before Thanksgiving, with me mostly ignoring it, and the going through to after Thanksgiving with subsequent, un-ignorable symptoms of discomfort.

These things do tend to bring us older folks to feel closer to our own, um, mortality.
Anyway, by Saturday morning (once again), the consensus between Sue and I was that it was time to toss the towel into the ring and get another opinion. This after we had tried everything and I mean everything. (Imagine my face as I say this, my eyebrows are raised and I'm giving you a knowing look and nod.)
So instead of going to the ER we decided to start the day's adventure at the new Immediate Care Clinic and see where we went from there. It was quiet when we got there but they were obviously working with a skeleton crew. Still it only took about 3 hours to get out of there with the likely diagnosis of the usual and a prescription for Zofran and advice to drink Mag citrate until I exploded.
Off we went home and while the rest of the world either sat back and watched their Big TV or fought their neighbors for big deals on Big TVs to watch, I drank a shot of Mag citrate each hour and waited for things to happen. After a few hours things happened and I began my jet propelled journey to intestinal health. I'm still on that path and miraculously, The fates allowed me to have a trouble free night during which I slept a fair amount.
Considering everything, I could not have asked for a gentler course.
Today, I pretend to be functional while I go about my routine. Faking it while I wait to making it. I will put away my clothes that I washed and then do some painting.
I had some more ideas for my city story during my meditation this morning. More traditional with an unconditional protagonist.
More later,
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