Life is Compromise

Here we go again. An exercise to limber my fingers and harden my mind. I will bend and I will change and I will give in. Until I find my own end and then I will finally have my way.
In other news, I had lighter dreams last night after I got to sleep. Today I'd like to find a way to understand more of how one puts together a painting with colors. Where and how emphasis can be placed into the picture and especially, how light can be represented in paint.
I just finished cutting Ben's hair and then mine. As I was about finished with Ben's hair, the clipper guard flip off the cutter head and I made a deep gouge in his hair on the back behind the right ear. I heard the guard hit the shop floor as I finished my cut and immediately started apologizing. Before it happened., I was almost done and his hair really looked good on the sides and back and then that guard popped off. I felt terrible but, of course, he was calm and even and accepted my apology and said it was OK and that we'd fix it, and we did. I had to shorten the rest of his sides and back. In the end, it looked just OK. It would have been a good summer cut but it's November 12th and yesterday he got a new job in Sales at Best Buy. I feel really terrible about it.
Yesterday we painted some tiles using the underglaze that came. I think it's the right way to do them. On some we painted a background using some of the colored glaze and over-painted them with underglaze. I will put a thin layer of clear glaze over them all before firing them. I want to paint some more today.
Friday we received the order of bisque tiles from Blick and so we are flush with tiles to work on. Also my new glasses came from Zenni and I like them a lot. Unfortunately, they do not make me look a lot younger as I hoped they would. I'm able to read well with them and they are comfortable.
Sue says she doesn't like the comforter, so I guess that is going again. maybe I can try it again in a few years. I think we're getting closer to separate bedrooms as I really have trouble with some of her essential oil scents she has running all night. Some nights it reminds me of when they used to spray for mosquitoes.
I don't want to write anymore now. I have many thoughts but I don't want to write them down. I want to get on with my day and see what I can get done.
More later,
Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash
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