The Wight of Conscience

And they're off.
A much darker, murkier, closer day. No rain so far but it feels as though something is only waiting for a signal to begin. I guess it blew last night. Very appropriate for Halloween. We didn't see a single trick or treater again. Like I wrote yesterday, it's no longer safe to visit stranger's houses for a lark (or a candy).
I just ordered some glasses from Zenni again. It was the same mini-drama while I decide what to do and whether to do it. It's really hard to believe that I could step up and perform in emergencies, I have trouble ordering things online now. It always feels good to finally hit the Submit key and finish the process, although sometimes getting to that moment can involve some dreadful self-examination.
So I've got a few more things lined up to do today. I'm going to put a link up to the mesothelioma website, since they asked me, twice or thrice. No reason not to. I just left and replied to his email letting him know I'll do it.
What else can I write about here? I don't really have any grinding issues this morning. Yesterday I played around a bit drawing the sunset, clear sky, snow scene from my dream with a little success. If nothing else it keeps the memory fresh in my mind.
Sue got me pair of Reeboks at Costco when she saw them in my size. I've got them on, trying them out. So far, so good. A little uncomfortable on the right foot but it's early.
I can't remember much of my dreams from last night. They revolved around a cable to a camera. Maybe it was the small video camera Sue got me for my birthday. There was something I was showing about it how there were two modes with two different resulting effects. One with the cable attached and one with the cable but no camera. That's a pretty strange twist when I think of it. That whole thing seemed like a fixed idea that ran through quite a bit of my dream-thinking for awhile. Odd when I think of it now.
I'm liking the new mattress more and more. The only issue I have with it right now is then effect of the memory foam staying depressed after I sit on the edge of the bed, when I finally turn to get into the bed. It feels as though I'm climbing up onto the surface of the mattress on a grade. As if I will roll back out of the bed onto the floor. This only lasts for a minute or so and then the edge reconforms and I feel secure. Other than that, it is a very comfortable surface to sleep on. I'm having a little trouble with the pillow arrangement but I will eventually work that out.
I think I should get on with the rest of my list.
More later,
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