A Cloud in a Night Storm
A big thunderstorm came through our area last night, starting about 2:30 in the morning. We had the window in the bedroom open and I didn't hear it but Sue woke me when the dogs got scared. The little dog, Smudge, gets very worried at big noises, firecrackers and the like. Practically tried to crawl into bed with us.
It took a while to pass over us. Must have gotten here about 3:15 or so. Sue got up and started her day early, there wasn't much sleeping with all that going on. I went back to sleep and was up and down a few more hours. I closed the window so I never got to hear the big rain payoff.
I had some interesting dreams during that time. Some ideas for pieces in stories. Mostly older type of plot points that seems cooler in a dream than looking at them in light of day. Still, maybe it means I'm on the right path. At least I'm thinking about plot points.
I'm enjoying The Maltese Falcon very much. The style is sometimes puzzling, maybe it's a more archaic form in places.
I'm beginning to understand better the idea of showing not telling. We draw the picture and let the reader interpret it. That involves them in the story.
Therefore: writing the steps the way I have would be a great way to outline the story in shorthand. Then I'd go through and illustrate those feelings with scenes that lead the reader to the conclusions I want.
I need to keep track of that paragraph so that I can refer to it. I need to be better at seeing that fault in writing, not just understanding it.
That's a good thing to remember. Let's get on with the warm-up here. The dogs are sitting in here with me, still getting over the thunderstorm last night. It rained obviously, but I can't tell how much. My weather station is now in the kitchen. I must remember to look at it when I get up to cut Ben's hair. Ashton is still in bed.
I think I need to move on the story editing. Having Roberta proofread the stories is quite helpful and gives me some feedback finally. I hope I don't bore her too much with the pieces as I really need the help.
More later,
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