Berl Yawudia

No idea. I had a great idea for a title yesterday but 23.5 hours later, it's gone and so I just used something that was phonetic pleasing. It's my blog, I can write whatever I want. You should just be happy I didn't write something that wasn't so nice sounding.
I just spent an hour paying bills and filing while I sat on hold with PACLAB and then The Insurance Company. That's right, The Insurance Company. Trying to straighten out what should have been a simple insurance claim for a blood draw from last May. You'd think they'd zip that little baby through, it's what they do, right? Well, it's not that easy.
So If I'm going to sit through a lot of chopped up muzak with breaks every 10 seconds to ask me to stay on the line or to inform me that they were experiencing higher-than-normal call volumes (which no one believes anymore, by the way), I'm going to multi-task.
After 20 minutes on really bad hold, the lady answered at the first place with a long ungrammatical greeting that ended with, "How may I provide you with excellent service?" I laughed. So at least I got a laugh out of it.
So the upshot is that these two giants of Mega-Health don't communicate. Giant A was sending the claims to the wrong place in Giant B and Giant B told them twice they were sending them to the wrong place but Giant A just wouldn't listen and sent to the wrong place again. How refreshing, I thought. They're just like little kids.
So while I was on hold. I paid some bills and cleared away a stack of filing that I'd needed to take care of, so the time wasted on the phone with the secretaries of two departments of Hell were only mostly wasted. Hooray, score one half for me.
We won't' talk about the night here. It wasn't great and the dreams were confusing at best. No help there.
From my standpoint, my hands are warmed up and my brain is banging away on both cylinders, so I'm ready to go.
More later,
Photo credit: / CC0
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