There are many names for it.

A bad night's sleep for some reason. Oh well. The morning comes and I'm back at it. I have some errands to do today. I will try to group them into a big circuit of the city. I prefer to stay here and work rather than to drive around in town. Every time I leave the house it costs more money and I have everything I need right here.
Sometimes, I must go out though. I will endeavor to be as efficient as possible. I like this keyboard a lot better since I took the left Control key off. I can rest my left hand instead of hovering it. I should have done that a long time ago. I should have done that to the last keyboard I was using. It had the same problem. I might try using it again with the key off.
I started reading another Joe Lansdale story last night and it caught my interest but left my mind in a bad place for coping with sleeplessness. I awoke confused several times, caught in a defective model of his plot. I don't know what that was about. It was not a comfortable place to be.
Thinking back on it now I wonder if my sugar was low. It was that strange. Although I wasn't sweating and that always accompanies it. I survived it anyway.
I'm not sure how much I will get written on the story today. I may just clean up another chapter for Sue to read and leave it at that. The portion of the story I'm writing is quite dense and there are some parts I need to clear up in my mind before I write them. I worked on some of that in the might but I cannot remember what I came up with right now. If I arrived at any conclusions, they will return to me when I reach that part of the process again. I wouldn't bet on anything. Night thinking is not the best thinking for me.
I'm done here. I need to take care of things and prepare for the rounds . The other night I had a strange keyboard dream that some of the keys were getting soft and the labels were coming off of them. I dream of keyboards more and more. Very strange.
More later,
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