Like a Lead Sinker

What should we write about today? Well. For one thing, I'd like to say how tired I am of me dragging my heels and not getting through the story faster. For God sake just write and get it over. The edits will fix whatever I don't like, right? Yes, so Let's not turn this into another torture session. It's just not necessary.
OK, dreams! What were the dreams? Of course, they weren't very nice dreams because I watched that terrible show last night before bed. Why do I do that? I end up having sad dreams all night. It's very predictable.
Only little bits and pieces come though. I woke up at 6 AM and that was it. Didn't get to sleep until 1 and then was up three times I think, 2, 2:30, 4, 5-something. But couldn't go back to sleep after 6. Broken night. That's a good title. I'm sure it's been used a pajillion times. Still, it covers a lot.
It needs another short phrase with it. Something like, Jagged Thoughts, Broken Night. Something like that anyway. There are lots of possibilities.
Let's move on to other thoughts and get this machine cranked up. I need to make my mind work fast and then my fingers can just follow it through the next part of the book. I can finish this next part quickly if I don't get too finicky about getting it perfect as I go. That's the problem, when I'm editing sentences as I go and not just typing. For Christ's sake, I need to get it down first before I start dicking around with it. I never finish when I make each sentence a swiss wedding clock.
So let's get it on. It doesn't have to be unagreeable and nasty. It can be fun just to see those thoughts go flying by on their way to the page. Before you know it it's down. For good or bad, it's down and then I can go back and make little curlicues and scenes of Bavarian splendor around the edges.
I know basically what I'd like to get into the story. I can't deny that it's a nice touch to have an arrangement or structure in mind, but I can do all of that later with cut and paste. The fine editing can take a little longer, but what the hell. If I never get to that stage it's all academic anyway. Let alone the cute little parts that make me all creamy and happy like a writer.
OK, so there will be a big push today. El Fiasco Grosso. Last night I thought about the automobile name The Chrysler Fiasco. A good name.
More later,
(Photo by Clem Onojeghuo)
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