Cyber-Monday - Painter 2017

This is the day when all the machines that have been waiting for us to let our guards down, attack us in force. This was portrayed in the Terminator with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I think that this is the first time I've ever write the name Schwarzenegger. How about that?
So it being Cyber-Monday, I went ahead and upgraded my Corel Painter to the 2017, or should I say that Neuraxiom upgraded to Painter 2017. I have to have some distractions after all.
My shoulder is definitely getting better. I had a bit of trouble sleeping but I can move it around much more easily this morning than last evening.
Ashton stayed home from school today sick. I suspect it had more to do with her missing her friend's Birthday Party last Saturday in order to go to her boyfriend's family's Thanksgiving. It sounds like she was catching some shit from her friends for her choice. It must be tough to be so popular.
I just installed the Painter and one called Aftershot and Winzip which came with the Painter upgrade. The upgrade also came with a couple coupons good with purchases. If I make those today, I should be able to stretch that savings seeing as how it is Cyber-Monday. I might try to purchase a couple extra brush packs for Painter using the coupons. That might be fun.
I would like to check on Aftershot and see if I can use it to do those focus effects to photos. I have forgotten what that it called. I would need to look again.
It's called miniature faking or the diorama effect. also called Tilt-Shift effect.
I can find a tutorial for Paintshop Pro but not, so far, with Painter. So what's the deal?
I guess that I'll have to work a bit on this problem. Painter is a very powerful program and it should be able to do this relatively simple effect. I may have to write into Corel for help.
More later,
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