OK, Well, No damage done.

I skipped blogging (and meditating) yesterday because I was tied up playing with the new camera and firing the tiles in the kiln.

The glaze on them turned out a little thin. I sprayed the glaze coating and the solution was kind of thin. It was absolutely freezing out in the shop when I went out Thursday night to spray them and I had to dig up the sprayer and by the time I found the thinned glaze and started stirring it, my hands were numb and I cut the whole thing short and sprayed them.

The effect was more of a matte finish than a glassy finish. It could stand to be about twice as thick, but the use of the sprayer was a very good idea. I could tell it was going to be thin because the following morning (Friday) when I checked them, I could easily see the designs through the hazy, dried glaze. The next time I'll just mix it a little thicker and use the main gun instead of the touch-up gun. So: spray gun- Yes, glaze mix- Thicker.

I really like the new camera. It's a Nikon D3400 dSLR. I'm looking forward to taking pictures of a lot of things with it.

This afternoon I painted a picture of some vegetables in a pan. Number 13 - Tomatoes... It was a photograph from Pixabay. I tried to do it in an impressionist style but once again it was grinding and details galore. This time I didn't bother to use any of the wider brushes. Pretty soon I'll just start with the smallest brushes.

I'm not really pleased with the outcome of the picture. I thought I was, but I took a photo of it with my phone and put it up on Facebook, and when I looked at it in miniature I was less impressed. It is a common event. It's like painter's remorse for me.

I might work on it again tomorrow. I should probably paint fruit and vegetables for a while.

The gallery shipped the Denver city-scape and it should be here next Wednesday.

More later,


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