"A boatload of ducks approacheth, my lord."

A small Sunday entry. It is much too fine a day and I have begun it too late to tarry anon. Where did these phrases come from? I know not.
Who knows. I started to write the post heading (the most difficult part, I may add) and this is what burst forth from the gushway of my thought device.
So I was a bit late getting up this morning. Big deal. Worse thing happen at sea. It wasn't a great night's sleep but it's over now. What's on the list for today? Well, let me tell you.
I need to get through the routine. I bought the iPeng (Penguins loom large on the horizon.) app for the iPhone to control my Squeezeboxes. Everything was in status quo until the ios 11 upgrade came out which made the Logitech apps no longer work. I had reached a working stalemate with the Squeezeboxes (a very awkward word to type, see for yourself, I'll wait) but in doing so, I had converted the kitchen Squeezebox (Oowoow!) to the UE Smart Radio software and left the bathroom Squeezebox with it's original control software. The UE app from Logitech was easier to use but the original was good enough for picking something to listen to during my morning ablutions (a much nicer word to type, again, I'll wait), Then came ios 11 and neither app worked any longer (and the battery life dropped by 50% at least.)
So after flailing for a week with controlling the, uhm, S-boxes, I went ahead and bought the iPeng 9 app. It cost $7 but got good reviews and I was becoming desperate. Needless to say, when I opened it up last night it couldn't find any of my players and it looked like it would be a long journey to enlightenment. I had to sign it into the Mysqueezebox.com account and then change the kitchen player back to normal from the UE Smart Radio software in order to control it with the iPeng. But I did it and now it appears to work. I just have to learn to navigate around within iPeng.
In other news, I watched a show about Vincent van Gogh and the last part of To The Ends of the Earth last night. Two not very uplifting shows to end a day upon. Maybe the reason for poor night's sleep.
More later,
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