Careening and swerving.

OK. Let's get this done.
Sue's day off and we were talking about problems with my last order of playbooks and I said I either have to rewrite the playbook or let it die a natural death and she mentioned D from her work and I said said I hadn't heard from him and she told me that she'd spoken to him and he thought I'd told him to submit something for the site. Like I would decide then whether to put it on the site or not. He told her he didn't work that way.
So he and I had talked for maybe 45 minutes and at the end we apparently both came away with different interpretations of what was said. It doesn't sound like a promising beginning to a creative arrangement. I've found, over the years, that the difference between people to are interested in getting involved in a creative project and those that actually become involved is simply whether they do it. Most people get interested in a project with all good intentions and then find that they've overextended themselves in their lives and have to pull back in what they are actually committed to.
That's too bad. I was hoping to have some fresh ideas and new material to include on the website. I'll contact Dooz and see what he has.
In the meantime, I have to get into town this week and get some blood drawn for Dr. appointment next week.
Pete Strohm emailed me yesterday about setting up a meet to catch up. Maybe this weekend. We'll see. Everyone has busy lives and change is the hardest thing to follow up on.
I should meditate.
More later,
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