Scattered and Drifitng

I'm really having trouble finding a decent compass point in my life right now. For almost a year I was focused on the illustration project and it was an anchor of my attention and direction. Whenever I had a moment of indecision and those troubled thoughts threatened to creep back into my mind, I could confidently steer it back to the safe and interesting path of the project. I really thrived on the first part, where the ending was beyond the horizon.

About half way through that first paragraph, I remembered that last night I saw link to a Smartphone endoscope on Amazon on some website touting great gadgets. When I went there, I saw dozens of low priced endoscopes for phones starting around $20. I immediately remembered a nascent project Doolittle and I had talked about a few years ago and I had to stop writing and write Doolittle an email with the link.

As I wrote, I went ahead and caught up with what's been happening here and the illustration project that I just finished. All of that reminded me of the coffee cup Gratzol once gave me that said "I work best with a gun to me head."

Another flight from writing there. I popped off to look for a coffee cup with that written on it and couldn't find any. So then I looked for the phrase, I'm open, Gimme a project! and couldn't find that. Then I saw coffee cup templates and thought it might be fund to make some logos with good phrases on them and print up some coffee cups of my own. From there, I thought of making a little side business of logoed cups with good phrases and then I remembered that I was in the middle of writing this blog and came back here again. You see? This is how writing actually occurs. It's not the planned out thing one thinks of. No, it's way more chaotic than that.

I have a doctor's appointment in 3 weeks and already I'm starting to sweat it. Jesus, I am running out of time to fix my personality. (Another coffee cup).

OK. Maybe I've had too much coffee myself this morning. I should move on and get something else done. I'm washing towels and I've been thinking of working over in the shop. At least a little.

More later,


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