It was never my job to make things less clear.

OK, so the day is moving along and I'm just now getting to the blog. It shows my lack of organization. I don't have a clear picture of my goals. I had serious dreams about opening up the other boxes of playbooks and sending them back to the publisher if they were loosely bound. That sounds like a joke, but it's true.
It just seems like such a hassle and it would take some time but it would be the right thing to do. Sooner would be better than later for making sure that the publisher remembered the problem and paid for the fix. I also thought a lot about firing the glazed tiles. But really I should let them dry for another day at least, I think. I need to really bone up on the kiln action before I commit to running it.
I also need to keep in mind that it's probably not that big of a deal. Rocket science and all. I mean, I just pull out the kiln, load it and run it in gradual steps. Everything else is probably festoonery. I don't use that word enough. It's a perfectly good word. It would, however, be a good idea to paint kiln wash on some of the furniture to make it easier to clean. I could do that today.
I will go over to the shop after I finish a couple more tasks and get out the necessary kiln stuff, check on plugs and mix up some wash and paint the furniture to get that drying as well. I think I will be firing the paint/glaze combo to a cone 05. As far as I can tell that will be the right temperature. I can begin getting things in the shop ready for the firing. I think it will be this week. Wow, that makes me more nervous.
That's only the beginning of the full picture. I need to figure out how to mount and display the tiles for Christmas. I'm thinking that gluing them to a board for over the woodstove is no longer the ideal way. For some reason, I'm thinking that someday (probably after I'm gone) the kids will want to have some of the tiles for their homes. If I leave them loose, they can divide them the way they choose rather than have me group them now. I'm sure I'm overthinking this. They may not care about them at all. They may not be as sentimental as me. They may see them as junk.
Nonetheless, I should go online and look for ideas for tile display before I make up my mind.
I found a site called that has some pretty funny attempts at Artificial Intelligence humor. I have laughed pretty hard at some of the pieces. So much so, that I want ration the humor to get the greatest benefit.
More later,
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