Big Casino
Awake a lot of the night. Was expecting storm, thunder and wind all night. The storm didn't hit until this morning. Big hit of lightning and thunder just after 6:30 this morning. This made the dogs come in and try to get in bed with me. Not really but they both came into the big bedroom and Smudge stood beside the bed for me to pet him for quite a while.
I'm checking the weather reports and their all doing their best to whip everyone into a frenzy. Really I have no idea how bad the storm will be. I've got my normal homestead protection mode going on which is exhausting.
I think I've gotten as much information from the internet as they have for right now. I'm going over and over the same things now. I get ramped up that way and it doesn't do me any good.
I need to focus on the current situation and not worry too much about the future. Over time we've gotten as prepared as we need to be overall. Sure we could use a little more water stored, but in these storms there's always water available, outdoors. We would just need to filter and boil it.
I think it would be best to hunker down and enjoy the storm in a warm house. That reminds me, maybe we could bring a little more firewood up to the house but it's not going anywhere out there. If we need it, we know where to find it.
Overall, except for making the chicken we should be able to just get on with our business. I would like to get my mind off of all this and write. Fretting will not get me anywhere.
Let's be done with this and move on.
More later,
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