Everything is Hidden Until You See It.
Good morning. We will begin today with an obvious but easily forgotten tenet. This has been said all kinds of ways but it remains true. We are all, in a sense, walking around with closed eyes. We know the way from point A to point B but little else about the universe until someone points it out to us or we go find it ourselves.
While I my example above concerned three-dimensional space, the concept is valid intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. The short way to the vision is education, the long way is time. Given enough time, we would encounter everything and if we were paying attention understand or at least, recognize those things. Few of us are given enough time.
It's interesting that we spend so much time either replaying the things we know or ignoring them. I think there is a natural love of learning up to a certain age, and then a learned resistance against learning or searching out new things as we age.
I suppose that it is the awkwardness of learning things. Few people enjoy the awkward feeling of dealing with things we don't know. At some point,we expect to be the teachers and not the students. We accumulate the things we need to get through a day, a month, a year, then decades and why go looking for uncomfortableness when we can manage our lives without fuss, if we don't change anything. Anything, includes what we know.
Knowledge isn't immutable. Truth changes with time. So when we choose to stop learning and say, only this much is enough for me. We open ourselves up to those moments when we're lost in familiar surroundings, right where we live. The landscape of knowledge changes around us whether we want it to or not.
More later,
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