Morning has Broken and So Have I
So the storm of the century was obviously meant for a much milder century, maybe 1741? The 100+ mph winds blew out somewhere else, the 16 inches of rain fell into the sea and total carnage was experienced by only a couple unlucky people. The rest of the west coast was spared. Something they hadn't envisioned. This is why newspapers disintegrate in about 20 hours and radio waves shoot out of our atmosphere and continue out into space. It's OK, they'll get it right next time. We'll all be destroyed soon enough, you'll see.
In other news, I'm... whooaa! OK, I'm back. My mind wandered there for a few minutes, Well more like 30 minutes. I had an idea about the apologies site I made and I thought of a couple new apologies and so I opened notepad and jotted down a couple new apologies and then, let's see, yeah, then I decided I had to go to the bathroom. You know, that way and so I got up and as I walked through the kitchen, I told Ben I needed him to bring the reclining chairs back to the deck and he said they were in the locker there. So anyway, I went on to the bathroom and then I got the iPad from beside my bed and came back in and told Ben that I wanted him to reset the exercise time on the generator but that I had to check the manual to see how and he said OK. I refilled my coffee cup and came back in here and then I tried to install the Acurite backyard weather station thing on the iPad but of course, it didn't work because Acurite is a for-shit company with fucked-up products and after I wasted 15 minutes on that (that I will never see again) I checked the apologies I wrote and thought about putting them on the cards and decided I had better get back to this and finish this blog first.
And here I am. Ready to get this done.
So what else have I learned. Well, let us see. All the energy I wasted on the storm of the century, I could have used for something worthwhile, like worrying about cancer or wood boring insects, or cancerous wood-boring insects. No one else grinds situations as much as I do and I need to stop thinking about them so much. Before I would have just stayed sedated, now I have to face things. I need to more practice. Just having written that, a dozen scenes from the past couple days zoomed through my mind and I arrived at the same conclusions and impasses, again.
It's time to move on.
More later,
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