Dazed & confused. Tossing and Turning. Rocking and Rolling. You name it, this cold has me staying very active. Miserable night. Coughing this morning. Hopefully, I must have passed the worst now and things will get better. Apparently it has affected my typing skills as well. I seem to be having some coordination problems this morning. I'm determined to work past all of this and accomplish something today. it would be a miracle seeing how the past few days have gone.
Saw Dr. Madden yesterday and she took an x-ray and told me there's shadow at the tip of the tooth bordering the work, the one that had a previous root canal. She explained that the shadow might represent a small infection which she assured me would rear it ugly head and require further work. This all just goes to justify my avowed position on paying people thousands of dollars to rearrange your teeth and jaws. No good comes of it. It invites a long path to pain and sorrow and more expense. Seldom is the outcome good and predictable. But as long as it's your mouth they're messing with, their plans seem sound and for the good. In reality, it represents months of pain and expense leading you to new and exciting complications. Many times, the original problem is forgotten in the mad rush toward reparative perfection. No good will come of this. Mark my words.
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