Scattered Fog

Just so, a scattered night. t passed but fitfully. Never got to the good sleep , even for a little bit. Had some dreams but they seemed all over the place. Not helpful. Going to a meeting with financial advisors in a few minutes. It's a beautiful looking day out there. Looks like it's 58'F and sunny. Maybe a nice day later after it warms up a bit.

Going to make the chicken wings this evening for supper but Ashton is trying out vegetarianism for a while so will have to find something else for her to feast upon. Maybe some rice or noodles and Sue made some coleslaw. Perhaps we can stop by the store on the way home and pick up some veggies.

Have Candyce tonight at 1630 as well and Rosie medicine night. Don't really have a lot else to say for this blog today. Have to get moving in a few minutes and have some other things to do so will cut it short.

More later.


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