
Showing posts from 2018


Anonymous Tuesday

A Rainy Thursday

Hop, Hop, Hop

October 1st

Sunny Sunday

Visiting Sun City

Proof of Life

Perfect Satruday


... and when I woke, Oh, uh ...

Loss of Control

Excitement, Anticipation, Chaos, & Aimless Worry

The Mostly Universal Sweetness of the "Good Old Days"

Why is this so tough to remember?

And life rolls on.

Stuck in the vortex

OK, you got me.

So, Quizzle me this.

So, is this worth it?

The Author's Biography

The Flickering Presence Steadies for a Bit

We'll just stick a pin in that for now.

Thought Penance


The Visitation of Minnesota

Feeding the Birds

The Dutch Roll

Another day, another blog.

Was there a large bird sitting here before me?

There was something familiar about the smell of the day.

and suddenly the wilderness parted and I stumbled out blinking.

How we remember our births.