Cave In

Awful night, Indigestion, awake, toss & turn. Started on Prilosec again this morning. Maybe I was close to the exit, maybe not but I just didn't want to do that again tonight. I'm sure I kept Sue up most of the night. Anyway, that noble experiment is over for now.

Was trying to write plots all night though, even when I was drifting, same confused thinking. Sometimes I thought I was actually recording the thoughts somewhere. It took a while to realize that it was a near dream state and that nothing real was happening.

Got up, showered, started laundry, made coffee, took pills, ate oatmeal with blueberries, while listening to news, (forgot insulin went back later). Came to the office and meditated 125 minutes total, wth good concentration.

Dogs lying here with me while I type. Very sunny day, in the 50's. Ready to get on with writing I think. Hands feel good this morning. Let's do it.


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