To begin with,

I need to begin in order to get better at this. So here goes. Every day I will write here. How's that again? Well, every day I will try to write here. No, the first way is better.

Something every day. It's the only way that things will begin. If I want to write, then I'd better...what?
That's correct.

Today. Well, it's a lot like spring here. It's Monday of spring break week and the kids are home. I'm in my office, the dogs are both on the floor in here and I'm trying to get something done on the SOMAA site. I can't seem to find a Wordpress theme that works well with it. But there are many to try out so I'll get there.

Work on the 2nd book has stalled. I'm writing Jordan's back story and while it's better than it was, I need to admit it's not great in itself and I must work on making it more interesting. In the meantime, I'm liking this apology project. Gradually it's better.

I'm listening to the site. It's great for background. That guy has content! If only.

I had an idea for a story which begins with a person having divided times of gradually becoming aware of sounds and noises, then going back to a dream world, people coming and going, mumbling and talking, crying and laughing, then going back to the dream world with some nonsense stories and some memories. He (the protag, if it's a he) tries to make sense of all this. He tries to put together what has happened. The dream sequences seem more real and than the parts when he's actually awake being somewhat aware of things. So actually, he's waking up from a vegetative state in an ICU on a ventilator a little bit at a time. When he considers that might be the case, he tries to remember why he's there. What happened to him? Maybe an MVA or a CVA? Maybe he was attacked. But he just can't put the story together in his head and listening to the people there doesn't tell him any more.

Really he could spend the whole story just working out what happened and since he's slipping in and out of consciousness, much can be told in his dreams, some real some imagined.

Enough for now, more later. Really!


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