A Good Night

I slept very well last night. Might have been that I was just so tired from not sleeping well before. Also I took my medicine earlier in the evening and was sleepy when I went to bed. I'm voting for number two here and I'll try it again tonight. I slept about three hours in a row from 0120 to 0345. That is very long for me. I could tell when I got up in the night that it felt like good sleep. I had another stretch in the morning after Ashton left for school. between 0715 and 0845 when the phone rang.
Part of it might be because I felt like things were a little more worked out on the illustration project. I didn't have the monkeymind. I also got the old Graphire tablet (my first drawing tablet) to work on the laptop in the living room so I was able to do some of the detail work in there. That's a big help.
Had some great dreams. Inside at some crowded class, get together. People were familiar but no one person pops to mind. I'm trying to picture some of the scenes in a way that I could explain them but I can't make sense of them now.
I put the left hand Control key back on my keyboard which makes it a lot easier for keyboard shortcuts when I'm drawing but while I'm typing here I'm opening new tabs again a lot. I need to remember that this is mostly because I'm writing this on Blogger on Chrome. If I were writing on Scrivener or Word, the problem is different.
I want to get past this and move on to the drawing again. It's clear that the best way is to group the drawing portions. After clearly working out the anatomy, make the frame portions for series, draw outlines, do the Bodycolors for all the pictures in the series and ... The last thing is a large shadows and the anatomical labels.
I'm writing the guideline in another piece that I can work on to more detail.
I think that's good for now. But I sure like draw and writing!
More later,
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