Charred Keister Salad

Alright, it's official. We are officially in a snow scenario and, as they go, not a bad one. It's pretty out and warm and wet enough to stick to the firs so at least the first part of it had that winter wonderland look. Maybe 3 inches fell with the temperatures in the low 30's so I suspect the streets cleared pretty quickly. I suspect, because I have set foot outside the house. I'm retired.
The dogs are of mixed sentiment about the snow. Neither one minds going out in it. I think Smudge actually likes it. He's got a heavy thick coat a lot like a Chow. As a matter of fact, his tail curls up exactly like one. His fur isn't nearly as thick as a chow but it has the same thick feel.
Having said all of that, Smudge is scared of the sound of snow falling from the trees onto the roof. He barked once this morning and he shakes and follows ou around very closely. It does make a big bump sound when it hits and I think it reminds him of fireworks. He has a sensitive soul and is easily upset. It's just his nature.
Scout seems to be having a good time today. they're both outside and look like they're chasing outdoor stuff and barking.
Had a couple dreams that I remembered earlier but are gone now. they were circular in nature and not worth very much.
Ben's home with me today. Probably has plans for the evening but for now he's catching up on some Christmas movies. I made a nice breakfast for him and me this morning. We listened to part of the Ignobel Prize Ceremony on Science Friday Podcast.
I think I'm ready to move on to the story. I had a few thoughts about it last night. Nothing specific but possibilities opened up briefly for me as I read Douglas Adams' Dirk Gently. He definitely has a non-linear approach to story telling.
I'm back. I took a detour to look up the writing style of Douglas Adams and became another lost and forgotten duffle-bag on the luggage carousel of eternity.
I better get a move on so I don't freeze up and slide away.
More later,
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