Magna Nuntium

So now it's Monday, the day after Christmas, and we head toward the the New Year and who knows where after that.

Terrible night's sleep, up every hour. But now that's in the past and we can start a new chapter in the pages of the... wait... make the the other way around.

The big news is that I was able to finally fix the laptop installation of Painter and the Wacom tablet last night. After everything else, I searched through the list of installed programs and found a leftover Wacom file with the name Pen Tablet in the middle of the list. It probably came from an earlier effort to install an older Wacom tablet. Anyway, I uninstalled it and restarted and everything worked.

Today I will make a restore point on the laptop for the current configuration.

I found an email form Bill in Tennessee that some of my pictures had ended up in the MTSA Dropbox. This is from installing the second Dropbox on my computer here and somehow getting it pointed to as the recipient of backup pictures. I don't know how that all works and I don't want to learn about it now. I uninstalled Dropbox from my system here and will just address it through the website.

It was collecting my screenshots as well. So I'm better off without it on my box completely no matter what.

Looking back on things, I think I owe Ashton a little more Christmas and consideration. She's really trying and I'm still being the suspicious Dad. Overall, I could be a better father to her.

More later,


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