Let's try it again

Apparently, I reached the limit of my sleep last night and when my brain woke up it wasn't going to take no for an answer. I was not going back to sleep after five AM no matter what. But I laid there anyway thinking, and you know what that means.
Ashton has early release today and I think she and I are going to do the Costco shopping. It will be good to get that out of the way. The weekend is here and I'm not sure what is planned. I have no plans but I'm sure everyone else does.
I reached out to Steve and Gus yesterday to see if they were amenable to reading what I have finished of the follow-up book to Interesting Times and while I was waiting to hear back from them, I figured out how to convert the Scrivener form to the mobi form. It turns out that the easiest way is to have Scrivener compile it into a paperback with parts for epub and then open the epub file with Kindle Previewer (download from Amazon) which automatically converts it and saves it as a mobi file. I don't know how to add the front matter to the mobi yet and it's not important at this stage.
Then I just email the mobi file to the email address assigned to the Kindle and the book appears in the library. So in order to learn this I sent the Bad Times files to my Kindle address and looked at the book last night while I was in bed. Inside of a couple paragraphs I saw things I wanted to change in the book.
I should go back and, starting with Interesting Times, blang through the re-writes of them. Just re-write them all into the way that I should have in the beginning.
I should. I should. I write that a lot. I write that instead of writing the books I write that I should write.
Well then ...
More later,
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